Benchmarking Visits

Apply best practice in your organisation

One of the services most valued by our members, is our range of benchmarking visits to companies considered leaders in their field. They include exemplary companies both in Ireland and overseas. These best practice visits are for member organisations only and most are in-person.

The types of companies visited are based on the needs of our members. Current benchmarking visits are focused on such areas as Digital Factory, Automation, AI, autonomous systems, continuous improvement and sustainability.

Benefits of participating in benchmarking visits


Opportunity to observe best practice first-hand

During these visits, members have the opportunity to observe the host company’s processes, technologies, equipment and management practices. They come away with insights into best practice that they can look at applying within their own organisation.


Learning about cutting edge technologies and processes

Gain insights into the latest technologies and processes from the most advanced companies in the field and learn about the path they took to achieving their goals.  Members find this very beneficial as they develop their own strategy for the future.


Networking and knowledge sharing

As well as learning from the host company, members find that knowledge sharing among the group, during the visit, is very beneficial.


Siemens Tour Amberg, Germany
(In person visit)

In May 2023, ICBE facilitated a visit for member organisations to the Siemens Factory in Amberg, Germany and their technologically state-of-the-art production facilities. In addition to a tour of the Electronics Works Factory and their Equipment Manufacturing Plant, members had an opportunity to visit their Impulse centre and experience future technologies and the path to the autonomous factory.
