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8 Actions to Transform to Great Leader Mindset – 3 hour workshop

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8 Actions to Transform to Great Leader Mindset  - 3 hr workshop

Presented by Sharon Kearns:  A Chartered Accountant and a successful entrepreneur, Sharon has worked at board-level and has turned around the financial performance of several businesses through her work with them.   Sharon works with team leaders and employees to support a successful transition from working to leading, with a step by step coaching of practical tools to build competence and confidence. This session is designed to support and develop Finance professionals.


Modules include:

  • Career Vision
  • Dependability
  • A Productive Network
  • Communication and Presentations
  • A Fundamental Understanding of the Business
  • Effective Delegation and Team Management
  • Time Management
  • Long Term Thinking


The session is delivered as an uplifting and inspiring interactive workshop using real-life examples to illustrate each module and help each attendee uncover examples within their own experience.   This workshop develop and expand on leadership skills empowering employees to become confident leaders, transferring these leadership skills to their teams and become true business partners in leading the growth of their business.


Contact maeve@icbe.ie for more details on the programmes and for available dates.




