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Level 9 Certificate in Data Visualisation – 10 week online programme with TUS Limerick School of Art and Design

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  • Date: Date to be Decided
  • Duration: 10 Online Sessions
  • Time: Times to be Confirmed
  • Location: Online session

 10 credit Special Purpose Award at NFQ Level 9
Certificate in Data Visualisation
 developed by ICBE Business Excellence Skillnet
in conjunction with Limerick School of Art and Design (LSAD) - TUS 

 There is a growing need for organisations to present data in a visually coherent & sophisticated way
in order to enhance effective decision making.
This exciting 10 week programme focuses on digital literacy and design and is targeted at
anyone who communicates insights from data in their job.

Data Visualisation : 10-week Level 9 Certificate

Dates and Times: 10 X 2-hour sessions
20 hours directed learning

Starting in March -- dates and times TBC

Cost: €960 member; €1,200 non-member (20% Skillnet funding applied)

Places are limited

Contact alison@icbe.ie to register your interest in this programme

For further details visit Data Visualisation (Certificate, L9, 10 ECTS) - TUS

This training is for anyone who needs to present data insights as part of their role
- engineers, finance, HR, technicians etc…

Students will be asked to bring a data project to the course that is a typical part of their role
so the project is personal to each student.


While we’re aware that organisations use tools such as QlickView, Tableau or Excel; this programme is not based on any system.
The purpose is to train participants who communicate insights from data, regardless of what system they are pulling the data from,
to present that data clearly and effectively so that decisions can be made more easily.

The focus is on visual literacy - As this is a level 9 Special Purpose Award. It is expected that candidates have prior experience working with technology and have a working knowledge of relevant data software.

Definitions / historical perspective / data visualisation / information design / visual storytelling / key elements of effective data visualisation / case studies

Audience / intention / meaning and significance / visual storytelling / case studies

Design convention / using colour / typography / space hierarchy / key examples

Each week for the duration of the project, there will be a specific time set aside to avail of tutorial advice online. Tutorial times will have to be arranged in advance.


Who is this course for?

  • Anyone who communicates insights from data in their job, either in dashboards, reports or PowerPoint presentations.
  • This course is ideal for those involved in the interpretation of data as well as the presentation of data in a wide variety of organisations including engineering and manufacturing.
  • This course is a mix of talks and practical workshops on contemporary approaches to data visualisation.
  • Participants will learn to create their own data and understand key theories in the interpretation of data visualisation.

Feedback from previous Virtual Programmes:

  • I found the course to be interesting - lots of new information and sharing the projects that others completed was really helpful.       Process Engineer


  • This course was very beneficial to me for graphing information into key points using the correct graph type, colour, display layout and font.  It was excellent in showing me how to present data to a senior team. Would highly recommend the course.  The assignments each week got everyone working from the very beginning and thinking about how they could change the display better.  Personnel Officer


  • Would highly recommend the course and the tutor was very well able to transfer information and help all of us to understand the meaning and how to apply it.  Systems Analyst


  • This course was well delivered. He gave me loads of help and tips to aid me with my assignments. I found this course very useful. It gave me great tips on knowing your audience. I got a good understanding about the importance of knowing the story that you are trying to tell. It also helped me think about how important font and colour is to your visualisations. I would recommend this course to anyone that uses data for business metrics and presents it out.  Data Analyst


Eva Shortt is a graphic designer and art director working on design projects spanning industries such as finance, hospitality, construction and tech. She has over 10 years experience working within the design industry and has an immense passion for thoughtful design.


She studied Visual Communication Design at Limerick School of Art and Design, TUS. And also went on to undertake a Research Masters at LSAD. The work created as part of her Masters project, Exploring the Visual Identity of Cities, was selected for inclusion in the 100 Archive in 2017. The archive charts the past, present and future of Irish design by publishing 100 notable communication design projects, selected each year.


Eva has taught Visual Communications Design at both TUS and University of Limerick and is excited to be delivering the Data Visualisation certificate in the New Year.
