ICBE RESEARCH | Dynamic Leaders Part of the ICBE Skillnet Future of Work Research Series

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ICBE RESEARCH | Dynamic Leaders 

Part of the ICBE Skillnet Future of Work Research Series 

We in ICBE believe Covid-19 will prove to be one of the greatest disruptions to the employer/ employee paradigm in modern history. It is now clear, that it has accelerated the pace of digital transformation with fundamental implications for all sectors. In addition, it has accelerated the trend for digitally enabled dispersed business models started by advancing globalisation and digitisation. The way leaders have led in the past will not meet the challenges of the future.


ICBE Skillnet networks have been working with UL’s Kemmy Business School since 2018 on the Future of Work research series, funded by Skillnet Ireland. We are currently undertaking a large qualitative research project unique in Ireland today to explore how leaders and managers ‘connect and learn’ to build the organisational capacity and team capabilities required for the new world of work.


Our research objectives are to;

  1. Understand the nature and context of Leadership through Digital Disruption.
  2. Identify critical Leadership Styles & Skills that best fit this context.
  3. Explore embedding strategies for new Leadership Styles & Skills.
  4. Understand the impact of virtual global and hybrid work models on broader Organisational Learning. 
  5. Identify learning potential and preferences across formal/structured and informal/experiential learning approaches at Leadership and Team levels.

Through a series of small focus groups and one-on-one interviews, we are gaining an understanding of what it means to be a business leader in Ireland today. We’re gaining insight on the expertise, skills and characteristics required to succeed and most importantly, how leaders can be best developed and supported to thrive into the future.

To-date, over 70 industry leaders, including, global, regional and site leads, have already participated across 16 small focus groups where they shared perceptions and discourse on Leadership to help us identify themes for in-depth one-on-one interviews.

The ICBE team is very excited about what we believe to be a unique piece of research and the potential outcomes it can lead to for our members. We expect the outputs to give us greater clarity around what it is like to lead in Ireland during a time of technological disruption and global networks and to gain a clearer view ‘beyond’ the Covid-19 pandemic, better understanding its longer-term impact on digital transformation, workforce design and work policy.

If you would like to be part of this unique research, please contact me, vivienne@icbe.ie. We will be conducting the one-on-one interviews with senior industry leaders until the end of April 2022. 

The research will conclude in Autumn 2022, and we look forward to sharing the findings with industry, and particularly with our ICBE members.

| This research is commissioned and funded by ICBE Business Excellence Skillnet.

| All ICBE Future of Work Research Reports are available on our website at https://icbe.ie/fow/
