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ICBE Digital Transformation Virtual Sessions

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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: 26 Nov 2020
  • Duration: 26th November 2020
  • Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Certificate: N/A

Virtual Session 2| Capabilities | November 26th 3pm GMT

Facilitated by Anton Savage

Chris Linder – Principle Designer General Motors, Austin Texas | Gerry Murphy - Senior Program Manager, VMware Ireland  

Irish Centre for Business Excellence (ICBE) is delighted to present a suite of unique on-line Virtual Sessions over the next 5 months which will inspire, explore and challenge attendees to embrace Digital Transformation. Our keynote presentations will openly discuss the challenges and achievements experienced in adopting a customer centric approach to innovation, digitisation and global performance. Directly engage with multinational organisations who will highlight the roadmap they chose while exploring practical digital tools and techniques to create a sustainable and resilient business environment.

ICBE will host these three virtual sessions as a pipeline towards our Digital Productivity Summit taking place in Limerick on the 10th March 2021. The three virtual sessions will bring attendees on a digital journey, culminating on 10th March with an event purposely designed to develop improved thinking and digital collaboration across the organisational structure.


Virtual Session 1| Winning in a Digital Age “Strategy” | Sept 24th 3pm GMT

Virtual Session 2 | Capabilities |  November 26th 3pm GMT

Virtual Session 3 | Big Data  | January 28th 3pm GMT

Digital Productivity Summit | 10th March 2021
