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Leading Hybrid Teams : 2 X 3-hour workshops

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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: 5 Apr - 6 Apr 2022
  • Duration: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Location: online

Leading Hybrid Teams

2 X 3-hour workshops via Zoom webinars

10am - 1pm

Tuesday, April 5th & Wednesday, April 6th

€95 Member / €145 Non Member (per person)
To book your place/s, contact alison@icbe.ie 

This programme is suitable for anyone who is already or will in the future lead a hybrid team. It is pitched at middle and front line managers.

The Opportunity

The world of work has changed beyond what we ever imagined. It will change again and keep changing. Not just because of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The pandemic brought about the perfect storm, that was already brewing and accelerated the pace of change like we never could have expected. Nobody knows exactly what the future of work will look like, but we all recognise that organisations and teams are unlikely to go back to the working patterns of the past.

So, what does this mean for leading teams. Team leaders who have in the past managed on-site teams and may have managed remote teams more recently are already, or will soon, find themselves leading teams in a hybrid environment. Hybrids will take different forms in different organisation but likely most leaders will need to navigate some form of hybrid.

We were all catapulted into large scale remote working with no time to pre plan in March 2020. This time around we need to take time to plan, challenge our mindsets, upskill and reassess our approach to team leadership in a hybrid environment. Hybrid is a very different challenge and opportunity and is more difficult to 'get right' than all remote or all on site. Team dynamics will change as will team member expectations in terms of what they are looking for from their leaders and organisations.

In these workshops leaders of teams will get the opportunity to:

  • Reflect on their journey since March 2020 and make decisions about what to keep and let go of in how they are themselves, have led during this time and their team’s journey
  • Explore the 'new normal’ and what to expect in moving from the pandemic 'hangover'
  • Recognise the need to reflect on mindset, skills and attributes as a leader and how these may need to shift or be enhanced in the new environment
  • Understand the challenge and opportunity faced by hybrid teams
  • Use recognised leadership and change models to plan into the future what success would look like in a hybrid team
  • Explore stages of transition in themselves as leaders and in their teams, other teams in their organisation and in client teams and plan how to support people through transition as they adapt to hybrid team working
  • Build skills to succeed in leading hybrid teams including communication, collaboration, creativity, learning, engagement, aligning & productivity

To maximise learning and transfer this programme will include:

  • short pre work so that learners come already engaged with the learning
  • a simple activity between modules to begin creating new habits
  • a focused personal action plan
  • a toolkit of practical resources to support leading hybrid teams
  • nudge messages to learners in the 28 days after the workshops
  • an optional action learning set one month after the workshops to share and explore with other learners

